With so much change on the horizon, today felt like a good day to capture a little snapshot of what life is like right now.
Right now I am…
Living in Houston, TX with my hubby Adam. This month is our official one-year anniversary of moving here. One year left to go here and then who knows where we’ll end up.
Currently 35 weeks pregnant. The first two trimesters felt like they flew by but much like the final months of a deployment, this final trimester is moving at a snail’s pace.
Writing this post early Tuesday morning on my iPhone from the comfort of my cozy bed.
Listening to the sound of the rain as it drizzles down here in Houston.
Feeling the baby kick, kick and kick some more. Mornings and late nights seem to be his fave which I’m pretty sure he gets from me. Will be fun to see if it continues once he arrives.
Giggling at just how lopsided my belly can become when he starts shifting around in there.
Waiting for all the nursery stuff to arrive. Pretty sure our UPS guy is going to know me well after this week.
Sleeping surrounded by what feels like a thousand pillows right now in an attempt to be comfortable. It’s all very princess and the pea-style at this point.
Eating more small meals these days and lots and lots of fruit (cuties especially).
Drinking mostly water but loving the occasional “margarita” slushie Adam makes for me.
Craving cheese and anything cold and slushy.
Disappointed I haven’t had any crazy pregnancy cravings. Pretty sure if they haven’t shown up by now they probably aren’t going to.
Wearing all maternity clothes now, mostly from Gap and Old Navy.
Laughing at the irony since those are two stores I never shop at normally.
Walking as much as I can to help alleviate all the pregnancy-induced hip pain.
Thankful for Adam’s last week of travel for awhile. After this he’ll be home for good until after the baby arrives.
Watching the season finale of Revenge. So good and now I can’t wait for the start of season 4.
Planning out the next few weeks of want-to-dos vs must-dos.
Checking items off our before baby to-do list slowly but surely.
Counting down the days until my birthday later this month.
Seeing it as the benchmark for getting things done.
Pretty sure baby won’t care if we get it all done before he gets here.
Gathering the courage to start sewing together the baby quilt.
Reminding myself that perfectly imperfect is very much the goal.
Thinking still about business goals, ideas and branding. Even with a baby on the way and impending maternity leave, I can’t turn it off.
Sketching out ideas for one last business idea before I officially start maternity leave.
Realizing I’d probably be horribly bored as a stay at home mom.
Wondering what exactly life will be like a year from now. Feeling a mix of nervous excitement for sure.
Crazy excited to be heading into this new chapter of our lives.
always love your lists!! 🙂
so tell me exactly what size is your bed? my husband is complaining about my body pillow and growing belly taking up all the room in our queen size bed. lol
We have a queen size bed, so yes it’s gotten pretty cozy in there! I have the Bump Nest pillow which makes a U-shape so the one side tends to fall off the edge of the bed in the middle of the night. I wouldn’t call it ideal but we love the size of our bed under normal circumstances so we’re making it work.